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Pete Loveridge 
Game Designer


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Hi I'm Pete Loveridge. I have been involved in the game industry for over 17 years, from retail to journalism to game development. 
From the first time I played a game on my Commodore 16 I knew I had to be involved in the games industry. I have watched and participated in the growth of this industry. From it's humble beginnings to, what I believe, is the greatest entertainment medium in the world.

  • During my career as a QA tester across numerous UK developers my love for game development has grown. Along with my skillset.

  • I am currently a Designer at Rocksteady Studios. In this role I use Unreal Engine and Articy daily. I am growing my knowledge of design in a fast paced hands on environment. I am proficient at turning Design ideas in to reality through documentation and working with all teams required. Gathering and ensuring requirements for multiple teams are aligned with the design process.  

  • I am willing to take on any challenge to further develop my knowledge and experience in Game Design.

  • Music and audio has always been a passion having been in bands and involved in designing sound for indie projects from an early age. I have used this passion to fuel my hunt for knowledge. I have learnt various digital audio workstations, most recently Adobe Audition and also the WWise audio engine. I have completed the WWise 101 course with a 99% lesson score average.

  • Here you will find examples of my work, including sound design and dialogue design. Unfortunately all my Game design work is under NDA. I will update with personal projects/course I am working on when they are in a state to do so. 

  • I use Unreal Engine and various narrative tools, such as Twine and Articy Draft.

Narrative in gaming is fast becoming the highest form of storytelling. I use my love of pen and paper RPGs to help inform my narrative design in the digital space and also use the programs to enhance and prototype adventures that I am writing for the tabletop.
Here you will find examples of my narrative design in Twine for branching adventure systems and implementation of Dialogue in Unreal 4. 
This site is a constant work in progress. There are other, larger, personal projects that I am working on that will make an appearance once they are at a stage to do so. 

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