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UE4 Dialogue Implementation

UE4 Dialogue Implementation: Text

Static and NPC Text Dialogue

Test map to get multiple NPCs to have multiple different lines output to text. Also static object text output. Details of work flow and blueprints below. 
Created in Unreal Engine 4.

UE4 Dialogue Implementation: Video

Actor Setup

The static actors and NPC characters were set up to have collision boxes for the player to only interact when close to the actor.

Sign Post Interaction setup.JPG
UE4 Dialogue Implementation: Image

Dialogue Structure Creation

Dialogue structure is created with set fields that can be assigned in Blueprints.

Dialogue Structure.JPG
UE4 Dialogue Implementation: Image

Dialogue Import

Dialogue is imported to a data table from a .csv file

CSV Imported.JPG
UE4 Dialogue Implementation: Image

Dialogue Widget

Widget created to create a text box for the text to print out to

Dialogue Widget.JPG
UE4 Dialogue Implementation: Image

Interaction Blueprint

Blueprint to enable the player to interact with the static meshes and NPCs

Interact BP.JPG
UE4 Dialogue Implementation: Image

Signpost Interact Blueprint

Blueprint created to display text on screen when the Sign post is interacted with. Signpost text is assigned to the individual sign post asset.

Sign Post Interact Dialogue Box Viewport
UE4 Dialogue Implementation: Image

NPC Get Line Function

Function created to get the desired line from the data table containing all lines. 
Each NPC has a set number and lines which can be played on the specific NPC

Get Line Function.JPG
UE4 Dialogue Implementation: Image

NPC Dialogue Create Function

Function created to post the desired line to the Dialogue Widget and be displayed on screen

Dialogue Create Function.JPG
UE4 Dialogue Implementation: Image
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