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The Banquet Below

2022 Unreal Mega Jam

The Banquet Below was created by a team of five developers as a submission to the Epic Mega Jam 2022 event that lasted for seven days, and had to fit an announced theme.

This was my first game jam. My role was mainly to guide the direction of the game and narrative, including writing the GDD. Design the puzzles and the initial level design blockout. I also worked with our coder on timings for the water flooding system. 

In the game you play as a passenger on an eerily empty ship and must solve puzzles escape each room in the search for answers to your predicament. 

Theme : "As above, so below"

Download link :

Banquet Below - Unreal Game Jam 2022: Bio

Game Design Document

The Game Design Document was written in the first hour of the Game Jam. 

The Puzzles sections were added or removed as the Jam progressed. (See postmortem)

Initially we all got together and brainstormed ideas. Once we had settled on an idea I created the GDD. 
This is what we worked from during the Jam. 

Download link:

Banquet Below - Unreal Game Jam 2022: About

Design Contribution

I Designed the puzzles for each of the rooms and then worked with our technical designer on how they would work and be implemented. 

For one of the Puzzles we needed images. Our Artist was super busy with environment and props so I used Midjourney to generate the images needed for the puzzle requirements. 

The initial Puzzles designs were created using good old pen and paper and iterated on once they had been implemented. Once the initial designs were implemented I rewrote the designs in a clearer manner to pass to the Artist to create the props needed for them. 

I also wrote all of the Riddles. The challenge here was to give the player a clue but also fit it within the theme and design of the puzzle. 

There is a deliberate difficulty spike in the middle room. In a full length game this would not be the case but for the Game Jam we wanted to show that we could implement intricate puzzles. Given the limited time Game Jam judges have I thought it was best to have a couple of easy puzzles at the start, an easy and a difficult puzzle in the middle, then lastly another 2 easy puzzles.
This was to ensure the player didn't have to spend too much time getting back to the difficult puzzle if they failed and also to help them see the end if they had limited time to play.

The level design is intentional as well. I wanted the player to descend into the "below" decks and then come out "above" decks. This also helped with narratively driving the difficulty of the middle puzzle as the player has a shorter amount of time to complete the puzzle as the water rises faster when they are below decks. 

Banquet Below - Unreal Game Jam 2022: About
Banquet Below - Unreal Game Jam 2022: Pro Gallery


This game jam submission was a fun challenge for me as I had never participated in one before. I took a risk in attempting it as my time was limited and my general Unreal knowledge was low at the time but I am very happy with how it turned out. The team I worked with were all amazing. We all worked very hard to produce a complete experience. 

​There were some elements that had to be cut. There was a seventh puzzle for example. Also some of the puzzles designs were either too complicated or very difficult to implement. These were prototyped and quickly redesigned once it was apparent the time needed to complete them was not worth the payoff in gameplay. 

One puzzle is not how I initially designed it but we ran out of time to redo it. It still works perfectly though.

After the submission, I felt I could have contributed a lot more to the actual technical design and implementation. I do feel my direction was very useful to the team. I have experience leading teams and I think having someone who can quickly make decisions is extremely useful in this environment. 

I definitely want to do more game jams in the future. I didn't really know what I let myself in for this time but I learnt a lot and will definitely improve for next time.  

Banquet Below - Unreal Game Jam 2022: Text


Peter Loveridge: Designer

Kenneth Ma: Technical Designer

Matthew Ho: Game/Environment Artist

Richard Spiers: Code

Konstantin Semionov: Sound Designer

Banquet Below - Unreal Game Jam 2022: Text
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